Monday, July 25, 2005

Happy anniversary bro!

It is one year already that I traveled with my parents and David to Ivan's wedding in Poland (Rosana could not make it as she was 8 months pregnant). It was a very nice experience; you should have seen my father "asking for Monika's hand" as Monika translated for the polish family. Boy that was something. But despite the fact that we don't speak a word of polish we had a great time, enjoyed the food and felt very welcome by Monika's family. One year later my brother decided to celebrate the anniversary doing some DIY at their home, I guess you'll soon see him on TV: DIY disasters!!!

Happy anniversary Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Graduation day at last. Now I'm officially a Doctor :) The ceremony was waaaaay too looong, specially because I was the first to get the diploma. The weather has been great, so we enjoyed the drinks in the sunken garden at Heriot Watt. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Open Championship 2005

On Sunday I went to St. Andrews for the first day of practice for the Open. It is just amazing to see these guys to hit the ball. Experiencing the Open in St Andrews is something you just gotta do if you like golf. I look forward to going there on Friday and see Jack Nicklaus, a living legend. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Make Poverty History

Today was the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh, along with the Live 8 concerts around the world. Amazing display of security and it looks like the day went quite smoothly. Hope it stays that way for the rest of the week. Posted by Picasa