I guess it doesn't matter how much you feel you are "prepared" for someone's departure. When the time comes, accepting that someone you love is gone is painful, very painful. I cannot avoid to feel guitly for not taking the time for calling my grandmother more often, to take the time to send her pictures of Mariana and Fernanda. Just last week I had promised to print some pictures of Mariana for her, but I didn't make the time for it. Now is too late. I shall take this opportunity to remind myself that people will not be around forever, take more time to call friends and family, and make them feel how important they are to me, as the poem says "en vida, hermano, en vida".
En vida, hermano, en vida
Si quieres hacer feliz a alguien
a quien quieras mucho...
díselo hoy, sé muy bueno
En vida, hermano, en vida...
Si deseas dar una flor,
no esperes a que se marchite
mándala hoy con amor
En vida, hermano, en vida...
Si deseas decir "te quiero"
a la gente de tu casa
al amigo cerca o lejos,
hazlo ahora.
En vida, hermano, en vida...
No esperes a que se muera
la gente para quererla
y hacerle sentir tu afecto
En vida, hermano, en vida...
Tú serás mucho más feliz
si aprendes a hacer felices,
a todos los que conozcas.
En vida, hermano, en vida...
Nunca visites panteones,
ni llenes tumbas de flores,
llena de amor corazones.
En vida, hermano, en vida...