Friday, September 30, 2005

Braid Hills

It's a shame that I didn't have my camera on Friday. This picture was taken with my phone on Friday afternoon while I hit a few balls on the driving range. The views of the city from Braid Hillson a clear day is just amazing. You have an excellent view of the city from the golf course, and on a nice afternoon you get a beautiful sunset. If I had had a dram of whisky and Rosana by my side that would have been the perfect sunset :D

Braid Hills Driving Range Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26, 2005

Tache Fan #1

This is the last week of the TacheBack campaign. It is itchy and, to be honest, I'm keen on getting rid of it. But it's been worth it. I would not had been able to donate the amount of money that we've raised from my pocket even if I wanted to. Please, if you haven't donated, do it now!

I love Daddy's tache. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Monday, September 19, 2005

It's itchy now.

Well, we're now more than half way through September. The tache is now really itchy! If you have not sponsored my tache and the SeeTache team, please dig now into your pocket, get that big fat wallet, extract your credit card and donate! The money will go to a good cause and the site is 100% secure. Just think as if you are paying for your usual booze, fancy dinner or the poision of your choice. Come on! You know you wanna, put your money to good use.

Tache 17/09/2005 Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 16, 2005


Taking the sun on the sofa.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tache 2005

I decided to join my workmates on the TacheBack campaign. Although it looks like at the last minute only Ioseba and I will be participating :( Anyway, I'll grow a moustache during the month of September and will get sponsored for it. The money will go into male cancer research, so, please dig deep into your pocket and sponsor us!