Originally uploaded by Ivanac.
Man, I´m really gonna have to detox when I return to Scotland :)
Man, I´m really gonna have to detox when I return to Scotland :)
First shots with the new camera. We´re still getting to know each other :P
Finally started working on the photos from the trip to London, a couple of weeks ago.
Sunday was a bit chilly at night but with a clear sky. I think it's the first time I have a go at taking photos from the moon (can you believe it?). I'm not completely happy with the shot, but given that the tripod that I've got is quite old (some bits are glued with blue tag) I think it did a decent job against the wind.
Comments are always welcome.
I've been uploading some photos I took last September on a visit to Dirleton Castle. I like Mariana's eyes on this one.
This one was taken around the cottage where we stayed in Loch Tummel.
Sunday I met with a group of photographers from a Flickr group. It was good fun. This shot was was taken by Robert.
Las mejores temporadas para visitar Edimburgo son sin duda el festival y Hogmanay. Esta la tome en el Spiegeltent.
My brother took this on a visit to Roslyn Chapel a couple of weeks ago.
I'm soooooo behind on uploading photos. This is Pedro teaching me how to make a flan.