Sunday, March 30, 2008

Surfing at Sunset

Surfing at Sunset
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

When I was taking this photos I wished I had all my camera kit with me. Shame it was a business trip ;)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

NYC Beer Pride

NYC Beer Pride
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

What can you do when you have over three hours of wait at the airport??? Well, sitting on a restaurant/bar, have food along with a beer and a bunch of strangers is usually my choice :P

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by arredomi.

I was playing with the camera last night. Photo taken on a mirror, hence me trying to mitigate the flash using my finger :P I think a couple of the shots came out quite ok.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ZU @ The Ark

ZU @ The Ark
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Finally got the patience to sit down and finish processing the photos from the gig at The Ark last Friday. I cannot say it was great music, but I can say it was REALLY LOUD music. It was so loud you can barely understand what they were singing. Oh well...

Getting ready for the next few weeks. One week in San Diego, coming back to Edinburgh for a week and then two weeks of work in Florida. Let's see how the body copes.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bukkake Birthday Party @ The Ark

Bukkake Birthday Party @ The Ark
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Processing some photos from a gig @ "The Ark" last Friday.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Frozen Grand Central

It's been a relaxing quiet day. I took the day off work, so after dropping the girls at school/nursery we went for breakfast to our favourite place (South Queensferry). I took only a few photos as the weather was awful. We picked up the girls around noon and went home for lunch, then we did some shopping and went for some golf practice in the driving range (Fernanda is doing quite well!).

I've just been chilling, surfing the web and I found this video. I know they did the same thing here in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago, but doing it on Grand Central looks just awesome.

Sunday, March 02, 2008