Saturday, March 21, 2009

A mis amigos

Los amigos, los que en los buenos tiempos comparten la risa y en las malas nos ayudan a seguir a flote, aunque a veces paguen algunas que no deben. Ayer que reparti una que no debia me acorde mucho de esta cancion y lo mucho que les debo. Asi que va por ustedes.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

300 Mexicans

I think only latins can get a situation that is so sad and still laugh at themselves.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Entró por la ventana, junto con el viento frío de la noche. Resbaló por el buró, el cual inspeccionó detenidamente: el teléfono, el despertador, las velas, las fotos de los tiempos que pasaron juntos... Comenzó a repasar su cuerpo; como antes, siempre comenzando por sus pies. Recorrió cada uno de los poros de sus piernas, dio un par de vueltas por la cintura antes de descansar en el ombligo. Caminó por su vientre hasta llegar al pecho. Con cuidado de no despertarla llego a su cuello. Lentamente subió a la boca donde depositó un beso. Se estacionó cerca de la nariz para poder percibir su aliento, su respiración rítmica, lenta, caliente, dormida. Robó un suspiro que ella dejo escapar en su sueño y con ese suspiro escapó inspirado por la ventana, como el fantasma que era....

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Very few times I am this obsesive. Yeah, my two readers know that I AM obsesive, but few times this much.....

A few months ago I listened to this song in a bar. I KNEW it was Johny Cash, but i couldn't remember the name of the song. I knew I've heard it a dozen times while playing poker at Steve's. So, tonight, after dinner at his place (pretty good by the way), I got to check the CD that I've heard so many times. Finally I get to pay attention to the lyrics and I think it is a great song.

I wanted to take a photo to go along with the song (tell me something new).... Not sure I reflect anything new. I think sometimes it is pain what makes us feel alive, what makes us realize what we've got and we've lost. And most probably what challenges us to keep going if you can take it in a constructive way......

Here are the lyrics, just in case you're interested:

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way .