Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thinking of Cinema Paradiso

Thinking of Cinema Paradiso
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

This one made me think of Cinema Paradiso, the tale that Alfredo tells to Toto:

Once upon a time, a king gave a feast. And there came the most beautiful princesses of the realm. Now, a soldier, who was standing guard, saw the king's daughter go by. She was the most beautiful one, and he immediately fell in love with her. But what could a poor soldier do when it came to the daughter of the king? Well, finally, one day, he managed to meet her, and he told her that he could no longer live without her. The princess was so impressed by his strong feelings that she said to the soldier: "If you can wait 100 days and 100 nights under my balcony, then at the end of it, I shall be yours." Damn! The soldier immediately went there and waited one day. And two days. And ten. And then twenty. And every evening, the princess looked out of her window, but he never moved. During rain, during wind, during snow, he was always there. The bird shat on his head, and the bees stung him, but he didn't budge. After ninety nights, he had become all dried up, all white, and the tears streamed from his eyes. He couldn't hold them back. He no longer had the strength to sleep. All that time, the princess watched him. And on the 99th night, the soldier stood up, took his chair, and went away.....

If you've seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about, if you haven't then you are missing an excellent movie.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A mis amigos

Los amigos, los que en los buenos tiempos comparten la risa y en las malas nos ayudan a seguir a flote, aunque a veces paguen algunas que no deben. Ayer que reparti una que no debia me acorde mucho de esta cancion y lo mucho que les debo. Asi que va por ustedes.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

300 Mexicans

I think only latins can get a situation that is so sad and still laugh at themselves.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Entró por la ventana, junto con el viento frío de la noche. Resbaló por el buró, el cual inspeccionó detenidamente: el teléfono, el despertador, las velas, las fotos de los tiempos que pasaron juntos... Comenzó a repasar su cuerpo; como antes, siempre comenzando por sus pies. Recorrió cada uno de los poros de sus piernas, dio un par de vueltas por la cintura antes de descansar en el ombligo. Caminó por su vientre hasta llegar al pecho. Con cuidado de no despertarla llego a su cuello. Lentamente subió a la boca donde depositó un beso. Se estacionó cerca de la nariz para poder percibir su aliento, su respiración rítmica, lenta, caliente, dormida. Robó un suspiro que ella dejo escapar en su sueño y con ese suspiro escapó inspirado por la ventana, como el fantasma que era....

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Very few times I am this obsesive. Yeah, my two readers know that I AM obsesive, but few times this much.....

A few months ago I listened to this song in a bar. I KNEW it was Johny Cash, but i couldn't remember the name of the song. I knew I've heard it a dozen times while playing poker at Steve's. So, tonight, after dinner at his place (pretty good by the way), I got to check the CD that I've heard so many times. Finally I get to pay attention to the lyrics and I think it is a great song.

I wanted to take a photo to go along with the song (tell me something new).... Not sure I reflect anything new. I think sometimes it is pain what makes us feel alive, what makes us realize what we've got and we've lost. And most probably what challenges us to keep going if you can take it in a constructive way......

Here are the lyrics, just in case you're interested:

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way .

Friday, February 20, 2009

Buzon de Tiempo

Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Por primera vez en largo tiempo tomo la paciencia y el gusto por terminar un libro. La mayor parte de mi tiempo libre se parte en editar fotos y leer libros/revistas de fotografia. Buzon de Tiempo de Mario Benedetti me regresa ese gusto por el ensayo, y el cuento corto con su prosa tan poetica. Lectura harto recomendada.

Les dejo esta cita que usa Benedetti al principio de su cuento "Testamento Olografo":

Dejo mis dedos espectrales
que recorrieron teclas, vientres, aguas, parpados de miel
y por los que descendio la escritura
como una virgen de alma desdichada.
-- Sebastian Salazar Bondy, Testamento Olografo

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Soledad | Loneliness
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

"Soledad. Es un sabor ácido del cual unos pocos se enamoran. "
-- Angel Rama

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thinking in Blue

Sentado en mi escritorio. La mayor parte de la ma~ana se ha ido mirando a la ventana, viendo como la nieve cae, viendo los ligeros copos de nieve bailar con el aire mientras me imagino tu cuerpo esta ma~ana, en tu traje azul. Coordinada hoy. Por alguna razon te pienso siempre en el mismo orden: tu boca, tu cara, tu sonrisa, tus hombros, tu pecho, tu estomago, tus piernas y tus pies. Si, tus pies, esos que ahora estan incluidos en la lista de partes de tu cuerpo que me gustan (por mas raro que suene).

Distraigo mi pensamiento hacia como te gusta la nieve. Pienso en nosotros caminando afuera, abrigados, tomandos de la mano. Me imagino el ruido que hace la nieve al compactarse bajo los zapatos, pienso como el sonido es un tanto analogo al crujir de las hojas secas en el oto~o, o quizas al sonido cuando uno camina sobre el pasto cuando esta un tanto humedo en el verano.

Tomo mi plumin y me siento con ganas de dibujar algo, pero inmediatamente recuerdo que mis habilidades de dibujantes son nulas. Asi que opto por simplemente trazar lineas en el papel.

Pienso en ti, trato de concentrarme y vuelvo a ti.... en tu traje azul.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In A Darkened Room

In A Darkened Room
Originally uploaded by arredomi.

Digging the archives to find some material that I might have skiped or which maybe i was too lazy to edit. Inspiration and creativity are sort of running a bit dry this year, so, not that many photos and let's not mention the writing (it was already poor).

Photo taken in Blackness castle while my brother David was visiting.

It reminded me of the lyrics of "In a Darkened Room" (Skid Row). You can figure out my mood.

All the precious times have been put
to rest again
And the smile of the dawn
Brings tainted lust singing my requiem
Can I face the day when I'm tortured
in my trust
And watch it crystalize
While my salvation crumples to dust

Why can't I steer the ship before
it hits the storm
I've fallen to the sea but still
I swim for shore

Tell me when the kiss of love
becomes a lie
That bears the scar of sin too deep
To hide behind this fear of running
unto you
Please let there be light
In a darkened room......